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Oris Nelson Prestige Series II Diamond Tester

Product Description

This Oris Nelson® Prestige Series II diamond tester is fully-featured with a super fast warm-up time of less than 7 seconds. It has an automatic mode that requires no adjustments and a manual mode that provides added environmental and stone size controls.

There is an adjustable gain for small stone sizes that other diamond testers usually fail to test, and compensation for ambient temperature to prevent the tester from reading sapphires erroneously as diamonds at cooler temperatures.

The linear display provides more information than most other testers. It also features multi-purpose audio signals: ready signal that beeps once when unit is ready, metal-alert alarm, and a diamond indicator signal that beeps repeatedly when testing diamonds.

This portable, battery-operated tester uses one 9-volt battery (included). There is a low-battery indicator for accurate readings and an automatic shut-off push button that cannot be inadvertently left on. A 2-year limited factory warranty is included.

Note: Gemstone and probe tip must be clean, dry, and room temperature before testing. Roseco is not responsible for direct or indirect damage sustained, or errors in readings by these test instruments.

Product Catalog Page

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  • Page 615

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